Category Archives: Nature

beautiful getaways

© 2008 admin. All rights reserved.

Cabo San Lucas is quite a small (turistic) town. But, if you want, you can always find hidden beautiful places, not far away from the turist centre, where you can experience Cabo in totally different way. One Monday, on our … Continue reading

Suckers for sunsets

© 2008 admin. All rights reserved.

One of the most amazing things about living in Baja California Sur are sunsets… They are incredible, every single day they change their shape, color, intensity… they are different, but always amazing. Our balcony at night becomes a theatre for … Continue reading


© 2008 admin. All rights reserved.

We all need to escape from time to time. Be it an escape for vacations, summer retreat to your second home, for a weekend, a day, or even just for a moment, escaping into another dimension, another imaginary world, escape … Continue reading