Marilyn Monroe once said “I don’t know who invented the high heel but all women owe him a lotâ€. She might be thinking of Christian Louboutin type of shoes. So fetish and sexy.
Better Middler’s saying was “Give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the worldâ€. Well, I’m not sure about that, I’d rather say “Give a girl true love and she can conquer the world.†Shoe-wise, this year Sigerson Morrison’s Gladiator Sandals are the ones rockin’ my world.
And, I wouldn’t bet on that women love shoes more than men. If I went counting shoes in my house, I’m afraid that this battle I would lose. That’s why I don’t count.
darling, I prefer second one, high heels made me more than 190cm high. 🙂 Anyway, just to mention, I bought today two pair of shoes, one beige sandals, very cute and very comfortable for summer, second very cosy pumps. So, maybe I was so happy today and treat myself very well 🙂
darling, i see we were connected today 😉 you have to take photos and show me your buy. now i found another sigerson morrison sandals, now i’m confused, don’t know which ones i want more 😛