Baja’s clorful nature and wildlife offers many possibilities to experience the pure life and to become part of some of the most beautiful things in life. Watching the whales breeding in Baja warm waters, swimming with the dolphins, or releasing baby turtles into the ocean.
While release of baby turtles are still quite often, in November I counted up to two releases per week, Grupo Tortugero says, that releases today are much rarer than they used to be. Poaching, incidental captures in fishermen nets, collection of eggs and meet for consumption, costal development and ocean pollution are some of the most threathening factors to turtle extinction. Sea turtles mature very slowly and live very long lives. They need to reach 20 to 30 years of age before they are sexually mature and able to reproduce, and most sea turtles return to the beaches where they were born to lay their eggs.
I was present at one of the releases of baby turtles, and they were adorable. And the whole experience is just amazing.