While I enjoy seeing blog posts around the web themed with “white winter”, like for example this one, my winter here in Baja California Sur, Mexico, is very colorful. The weather is just perfect, we have 27ºC (80F), and sunny. A perfect tropical winter, some would say. So this holiday season, I would like to share you some of my favorite Baja sunsets, which I was taking throughout the year in my 365 project.
If you like these sunsets, check out the entire photo gallery here. In 2014 these photos will become part of a greater project, but I’ll tell you more about it when it’s time.

Happy holidays, felices fiestas, vesele praznike, and may you have a bright, colorful and sunny 2014!

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By When in Todos Santos, Visit Todos Santos Inn - LA76LA76 Strategic Design – Public Relations, Social Media, Marketing and Design Agency based in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico November 25, 2014 at 2:16 pm