We have several things in common with our dog, golden retriever Zlatka (Zlatka, shorter for Zlatolaska, in Slovenian means ‘golden hair or goldie locks’). We love the beach, we love good food, a nice walk and a relaxing siesta, and among many other things, we like our Moleskins. Zlatka one day decided that she’d like to try my Moleskine for a snack, and left it half way chewed (see the picture on the left). And you know how it is, when you already have your Moleskine half way written but still too many empty pages to fulfill. I couldn’t throw it away and buying a new book and re-writing everything into the new one also wasn’t an option… Luckily I discovered Molecover; leather Moleskin covers, available in black, white and beige leather. Now my chewed Moleskine looks like new, and it’s a pleasure to use it again. And Zlatka – she’s got a new bone to chew.
In addition to Molecover’s SF Campaign, we’re contributing with an image of Molecover enjoying la vida Mexican way. Siesta, hammock, palm trees, ocean view.
Thanks for posting this Romana! I wrote up an article on Moleskine repair last night, and thought it was relevant to your post:
Love the picture! If you still have access to http://www.facebook.com/molecoverie I would love for you to post it.
Best regards, Tyler