Nope, is not the name of your latest favorite pop band, i mean architecture office; the New Urban Architects are people who are reshaping our cities faster than any urban plan has ever before: Our cities today are relics from … Continue reading
Category Archives: Architecture
“Reality is the contrast between what we have inside, and what exists out there.” A beautiful visual trip of Tokyo by Joan Jimenez that we could not avoid sharing it… enjoy. check also Joan’s website social branding
ON_A Station
And seems we continue with our ‘Barcelona’ feeling these days, well who into design wouldn’t love Barcelona? This time we are bringing you a project we knew about long ago, but didn’t had the chance to saw it finished until … Continue reading
Very few times we post about our work, in this occasion we will show a bit of the whole image that we had developed for our buddies at a10studio, we are developing our own full website for LA76 and soon … Continue reading
(the quest for) ORNAMENT
Chokkura plaza by Kengo Kuma and Associates Although the debate about ORNAMENT in contemporary architecture and design is a bit more complex than what we will mention here, i wanted to share this combination of works by different offices plus … Continue reading
Late 60’s Sculptorical Shapes
How often you find real “jewels” (as i call them) in design?, for me a jewel, might be a mix of nostalgia + kitsch + pop culture + intellectual culture + historical culture + future vision…. yes, i dont know, … Continue reading
High Line: Public Space, Elevated to New Heights
Half a mile long, the first section of New York’s latest park runs for nine blocks above the west side of Manhattan, along an old elevated railroad track. Ever since the first (exciting) winning renderings of James Corner Field Operations … Continue reading
Our friends from Rojkind Arquitectos just send us images of their recently finished building. it is a lab for Neslte in Queretaro Mexico after their first collaboration for the chocolate museum which was widely covered by the media. This new … Continue reading
The Go Slow Movement spreading fast
It all started with slow food, a movement “that was founded in 1989 to counteract fast food and fast life, the disappearance of local food traditions and people’s dwindling interest in the food they eat, where it comes from, how … Continue reading
Rojkind Criticizes Bicentennial project
“when was the last time a Modern and Illustrated State built an Arch or any other type of self-celebration monument?” asked the team composed by Michel Rojkind + Alejandro Hernandez + Arturo Ortiz in their presentation for their submission for … Continue reading
Gana Torre, no Arco Bicentenario
Considera jurado que el proyecto premiado es el más accesible a toda la población por Dora Luz Haw Ciudad de México (16 abril 2009).- No será un arco, sino una torre de luz y una plaza que cubrirá Circuito Interior, … Continue reading
In the first half of the XX century, cities were thought as a clear organizational scheme, with a simple and predictable order, capable to be designed and planned in such way that the life quality of its residents could be … Continue reading